
DISCLAIMER: All images used on this blog are strictly copyrights of their owners. I will never claim credit for any images used here in my blog unless stated otherwise. If I have offended anyone by posting any images on my blog, please contact me via email and I will remove them as soon as possible.

Linggo, Oktubre 21, 2012

Another (Anime Review)

Hey, hey!! So, here I am again to share to you my reactions on Another anime (pun intended) which I have finished watching two months ago and had just thought of posting a review now. hehe~. (--)
Let's start with the plot summary.
   When Koichi Sakakibara transfers to his new school, he can sense something frightening in the atmosphere of his new class, a secret none of them will talk about. At the center is the beautiful girl Mei Misaki. Koichi is immediately drawn to her mysterious aura, but then he begins to realize that no one else in the class is aware of her presence. (From Anime News Network)

Okay, my turn.

I think this anime is a breath of fresh air for me. I've been watching too many shoujo animes and reading too many shoujo mangas that most of it seemed really predictable already. I admit, this one was teeny bit predictable but it was only on guessing the extra person. Other than that, I didn't know it. The plot was laid out well and the story ended rather unsatisfying but the overall was great. I understood that the story was only about the mystery on their class so I can't really say it's a cliffhanger although I want to know what will happen between Mei and Sakakibara in the future. Well, you can't blame me!
But I think what really caught up on my attention in this anime was it's difference in graphics compared to that of a shoujo anime's. The colors were more darkened which give off this mysterious air around the art. I was specially amused at how their face changes expression to scared. There's all those eyebag-like things under their eyes. I also appreciate their graphic effects which are really nice. I think art-wise, I like their eyes most. (Not the ones with the bags though. :3)

Mei and Sakakibara tandem was really cool. Although, the feelings for each other was not confirmed, I can tell that Sakakibara is greatly concerned and protective to Mei. Hee~ <3

Well, anyway. For the characters, I like Mei most. To the point that I made her my profile pic on Facebook once. (^^)

So. Overall, I'll give this to Another:

  • Reading High School Debut 43
  • Watching Clannad 07
  • Waiting for other manga updates!!!
  • Mentally searching curses for Wattpad! (Y U no open?!)
  • Uploading anime images :)
  • searching for eBooks. (^^)
Here's my latest one!
Natsu Dragneel FanArt
You can see my other artworks on my deviantArt account (BlardyBlardy123)

Any suggestions,clarifications,violent reactions and simple statements in relation to this post? COMMENT BELOW or Send me an E-Mail! b(^_^)d

Biyernes, Setyembre 7, 2012

Let's talk about: MANGA UPDATE--Kaichou wa Maid-sama

During its latest updates, Kaichou wa Maid-sama! has took a turn for a new revelation--well, few revelations to be exact.
First, Usui has decided to go to Britain to face his own problem in his own. Hearing this, Misaki said that if he will ever return finishing his business there half-way, she will never forgive him. I get the feeling that Misaki might go restless and go to England, but I doubt a little--with Misaki's attitude, I don't really think that because she's missing him she will go there since she's not those typical overloving female characters and another thing, she's stubborn. What was on the next chapter, though, [Chapter 73] about how Usui's half-brother, Gerard, was preventing Usui to meet their grandfather was quite...questionable. Like, Gerard has some kind of reasons but it seems that I still can't quite put my finger as to what that reason would be.
However, I shall say that Chapter 27 would probably the most shocking among the three recent updated chapters. Why? Well, first off, my hunch about Misaki going to Britain was revealed to be true but because she was worried about Usui not contacting her for days. She seek help from President Igarashi saying that it would benefit the Igarashi family. Shockingly, he agreed to help. Another thing, Usui had finally had more knowledge about his father with the help of Ceddy the Butler's father. It was revealed that [OMG! Spoilers in three, two, one!] Usui's father and mother didn't meet in Japan like he was told to but in Britain. On top of that, [OMGG biggest spoiler in three, two, one...PFFFTT!!!] he was a butler.
Usui's father's identity: Revealed!

What was playing on my mind now was how Usui's parents' relationship was similar to Usui's and Misaki's. Like one of those what-happens-to-the-parents-might-happen-to-the-child kind of thing? 
I know! It was quite a shocking turn-out. And might I add, Hiro Fujiwara is a good author in making cliffhanger chapters. Seriously, I can't wait to read the next update!!

Any suggestions,clarifications,violent reactions and simple statements in relation to this post? COMMENT BELOW or Send me an E-Mail! b(^_^)d

Sabado, Setyembre 1, 2012

Let's Talk About: CATCHING UP!!! (>,<)

Hisashiburidesu, minna~!

Well, well. It's been a long time since I've updated my blog. And right now, I get the feeling that I need to catch up with what I've been doing which is a lot, and I mean A LOT! (^-^)

First off, I want you all to take out those glasses for special occassions, the champagne in the cellar, and the seki-han [anime lovers know this (^^)] 'cause I've finished the manga Ouran High School Host Club! Wooot!! Pop the champagne, man!! \m/(>3<)\m/
There were a lot of emotional scenes that mostly involves on Haruhi's feelings for Tamaki, Kaoru and Hikaru's romance [with Haruhi, of course, not with each other.], and of course, Tamaki's knowledge for his true feelings for Haruhi. The ending was really nice and the side stories were epic! I especially like the "Little Peek in the Future" were Haruhi and Tamaki was seen to be married and the Cuddle side story. \\(=> <=)//

I've bought this omnibus of the manga spin-off of Avalon: Web of Magic by Rachel Roberts in my favorite bookstore and was also devastated since volume one of the trilogy series was sold-out! I know, right. Book lovers can also relate to that since I am one, too, and I've experienced having my planned book-to-buy got sold-out. So, what I did was buy the manga spin-off instead. And in the hope that I could find the volume one online, I looked through the Net and found the series's official page, http://www.avalonmagic.com where I've seen the series's audio book. I've downloaded that one, too. It's voiced by Mandy Moore and it's so awesome! I'm still downloading the other chapters. (^^)

I've also downloaded the light novel of Sword Art Online and the manga adaptation of the series. I've been so jealous of those people in a page in Facebook I'm in 'cause they've got a new anime series to watch and I haven't finished watching the Fairy Tail yet (still in episode 75, sadly.) so I've looked it up on Google and found out that I could still catch up to the series since there are still seven episodes. (//^0^//)

I'm also waiting for the update of the manga Watashi ni XX Shinasai! which has been two months since its recent update (update please!!). and I'm gonna make a manga-reading update post on that later..

I'm also watching this anime based from an otome game, Starry Sky, and I've been curious on what otome game was. So, I've, again, looked it up on Google and downloaded few demos and free full versions, which were all so short and unsatisfying. 

So, I guess that's all the summary of what has been happening to me and I've realized how much my love for anime and manga has expanded me and made me see, learn and experience a lot of things. I've drawn this one I have and colored it using Paint Sai...

So, I'll see you all later on my next post. Jaa nee~~! (^3^)/~~~

Sabado, Hulyo 7, 2012

Lets talk about mangas: Introducing...Watashi ni XX Shinasai!

Hello everyone! So...I'm back with a manga I have been reading for, like, a year or less that have not, so far, been removed at my "Fave Mangas" List and I doubt would ever be removed. I've been willing to share and introduce this manga to you all but I just can't seem to get the time. (T^T)
And now, finally, I've got the chance and time to introduce it to all of you!!! Whoopee! *\(^o^)/*

Introducing, Watashi ni XX Shinasai! [that I always read with wah at the end so it sounds like watashi NI xx shinaSAI wah!]

So, without further ado, I'll start with the blurb or manga summary or whatever they call it. [Feel free to tellme what that is 'cause the question is still raised. (^^)]

FromMangaHere.com--In class, she's a sort of zoned-out girl, and he's the year one class' most perfect, good-looking guy. But the two of them have a secret, and their extraordinary "love experience" will start now! Himuro Yukina, known as the "Absolute Zero Snow-woman" is a cold and observant girl. In addition, she is actually a popular cell phone novelist who goes by the name of Yupina. Sadly, with no other human contact than her cousin, Yukina is unable to express more romance in her novels. Kitami Shigure, your so-called "typical bishounen", who is really a womanizer, has fallen into Yukina's trap when she blackmails him, and Shigure ends up doing Yukina's ''missions of love''. As this continue, will these ''missions'' be a opportunity for them to fall in love?

SO! Let's start talking about the characters.
There are four regular/main characters in this story so far:
Yukina--The main protagonist of the story. She has a long hair and wears eyeglasses. Yukina is observant and clever alright, but her knowledge in love and those stuffs is quite shallow and she tends to be so innocent in what she does that makes people--partiularly speaking, Shigure--react overconsciously. She has a first love that has connection with her wearing glasses [I'll leave the gory details to you so read. :P] and she has a knack for writing although the element of love is simply not applied in her earlier stories--like my sister's.

Shigure--One of the main male character in the story and one of Yukina's possible lover. At first you might think he's that typical cool, smart and handsome guy that's so popular in anime and manga high school settings but he's actually that mean, stubborn, easily-blushes-when-with-crush, predictably predictable guy in anime and manga that I love more--his teasing personality is a bonus, btw. He is kind in some ways but he's stubborn personality is what my heart flutters for him much. WEEEEEE. [though, I'm still a solid Kazehaya lover.]

Akira--One of the main male character in the story and Yukina's cousin and possible lover. He's seen with his eyes covered by his long fringe and has some girly movements. I'd say that melon pan is his signature accesory--information for those who wants to cosplay him though I doubt a wee bit. I'm not really into Akira here, but I could fairly say that his covered eyes is pretty hot in some time and angle in the manga. Another thing that I like about him is his involvement with the second female main character and my pairing with each other. [Don't blame me. I just can't help seeing subtle clues.\\ (w>o<w)//]

Mami--The second female main character who is a childhood friend of--and has a crush on--Shigure. She's your typical happy-go-lucky-with-a-tad-bit-mysteriousness-girl of the story.

My humble opinions/theories resulting from observation and reading:

  • Shigure and Yukina is definitely going to be a couple. Argue all you want, AkiraxYukina lovers but you can't stop the evitable. I think you'll just waste your time arguing the obvious. Don't get mad 'cause I know how you feel when the love team you want did not end up together--although I'm voting for ShigurexYukina.
  • Akira and Mami is on some new development recently and I anticipate where this development would end up with or where it would NOT end up with. I just hope it's on the "end up with" direction.
  • Dulce [you'll know who he/she is if you read the manga so read.] is either Mami or some new character and finding out who he/she is is something I, too, will anticipate.
Why do I like this manga?

It's a very unique story for a manga. Sure, the regular cliche is there but the bends and twists this manga has is such a page-turner and every chapter is made to make you anticipate the next one. The current chapter--chapter 39-- for instance, is very very very...oh, my gashes. I want to read the next chapter already!!!
Ahem. So anyway back to where I was, chapter 39 (must calm down...calm down, myself...calm...down...) is in such a thrill that you seem to want the next chapter there right now.
Also, the way the author does the story is quite interesting: She seems to have the whole plot set out and is evenly distributing them into chapters that when you're done in the recent update, you'd want to read more. I also observe that the scanlation's way of updating the manga by month to make readers anticipate the next and not loose the updates is pretty wise, if you know what I mean.

Why do you have to read this manga?

Like I said, it's a breath of fresh air, shoujo manga-wise. The plot is unique and beautifully made to make shoujo manga readers anticipate every next chapter. Each chapter has its own twists and turns and new development and progression but it doesn't move away from the direction of the main plot and I love it. The characters themselves has a tad bit mysteriousness in them that we could relate much and are in some way predictable and other way unpredictable. The element of romance is widely observed and present and the splash of Japanese comedy is obviously existing.

Aside from the story behind Yukina's glasses and who Dulce is, there are a lot of things that a shoujo manga or romance or romance-comedy or shoujo-romance-comedy lover would love in this manga and the few things I have mentioned are just...well, few.

 So...try and, for the third time, read it.

Ta for now...

Author's work that you may want to read:

Koko ni Iru Yo! 

and many more...

Any suggestions,clarifications,violent reactions and simple statements in relation to this post? COMMENT BELOW or Send me an E-Mail! b(^_^)d

Sabado, Hunyo 30, 2012

Let's talk about Anime Characters: Tamaki Suoh

Hello, everyone! It's been soo long since I have updated my blog... It's getting busy at school and, of course, watching animes, and reading mangas that I almost forgot that I have a blog that needs new posts! :O

Okay, honestly, I don't know how many people are reading this and if there is, even! But I just need a place where I can share the bliss that I feel reading mangas and watching animes and it always makes wherever I am at peace and comfortable...

Okay, enough with the drama.

SO! I just noticed today that I have only introduced two anime characters in my blog (Usui and Kazehaya) and since being absorbed in reading the Ouran High School Host Club, I want to talk about another uber handsome, anime male character: TAMAKI SUOH!!

So, I'll start!

René Tamaki Richard de Grandtaine, or Tamaki Suoh, is the founder and president of the Ouran Host Club and the later love interest of Ouran High School Host CLub protagonist, Haruhi Fujioka.
He is seen at first as a natural-born charmer, a narcissist who often uses his good looks in winning over women. But when he is around his co-members and Haruhi, he is seen as a naive goofball. He is, in my opinion, the second most dense person in the anime (Haruhi being first) since he first thought the attraction that he has for Haruhi was similar as that of a father to his daughter when it is really love. (Ayeeee. <3)

Since he grew up to be wealthy, like the other students of Ouran Gakuen, he and the other rich students of Ouran Gakuen, particularly the Host CLub's clients, are shown to be ignorant of the lifestyle of average people or commoners, as they would describe, and this adds up to the hilarious theme that Bisco-sensei had put up on the manga. One more thing that I find cute and hialrious at the same time at Tamaki is how he would get depressed and sulk cutely and how he, along with Honey-sempai, are more childish compared to their lower-classmen (I.e, Haruhi, and the Hitachiin Twins)

I also like his seiyuu, or voice actor, Mamoru Miyano, because I personally think his voice has fit Tamaki's personality well--narcissistic, cool, childish, dense, the whole she-bang.

Have anything to say about TAmaki? Comment! :D

Miyerkules, Mayo 2, 2012

Manga Reading Update: Kaichou wa Maid-sama, Meet the infamous Papa-san!

Hey, everyone! Well, lookie here. When I visited my MangaHere Account, I got update on the Kaichou wa Maid-sama! and thus, started reading...

Well, let's start on the recent chapters 69 and 70!

In the 69th chapter, a new character has come; a weird cheerful man, who looks like Hinata, was hired by Manager-san. I noticed that whenever Misaki appears in the kitchen, the man hides he's face. (I guess I've given you enough clues to guess who the man is)
And thus, at the end of the chapter, due to Suzuna, who unexpectedly came to Maid Latte, the man revealed himself as Ayuzawa Sakuya, Misaki and Suzuna's father!!!

The first page of Chapter 70

The story continues on chapter 70 where the reason why Papa-san left was revealed (not telling! :P)
Manager-san held a competition on who was the best man in the kitchen, Sakkun vs Takkun (Papa-san's nickname for Usui.) where Takkun has win without any doubt. Misaki is still mad at him but something has stopped her (you know what. If you don't, look for the manga.) and stated that even if he can't be a full-timer, he can still be a part-timer.
At the end of the chapter, it was found that the Ayuzawa women still treated him the way they did at the first time he came home.

The last page of Chapter 70. The Ayuzawa women still leaving Papa-san outside.
Hinata-kun supporting Papa-san.

Martes, Mayo 1, 2012

Anime Series: Let's Talk about Kimi ni Todoke (anime)

Hey, everyone. It's me, obviously, Kate Ashley. σ(゚┰~ )アッカンベー

So after a battle between the cruel Internet connection, some nasty anime online streaming websites, and deceiving anime downloading websites. I have finally finished the anime series, Kimi ni Todoke, seasons one and two.

So, let's talk about the synopsis.
Kimi ni Todoke is about a high-school girl, Sawako Kuronuma, who has been nicknamed "Sadako", from movie The Ring, for her gloomy and scary appearance. Although, she is trying her best to fit in and to have friends. On the entrance ceremony, she helped a boy, Shouta Kazehaya, who thanked her instead of saying sorry like others do. This made her happy and has, since then, admired him. Then, Kazehaya starts to talk to her and her world changed. She made friends, like Chizu and Ayane, and learned to talk to different people. She can't seem to thank Kazehaya enough. Then slowly, she develops feelings and blossoms into a sweet love as the story goes...

Let's talk about the characters.
Sawako Kuronuma is the typical shy and honest girl. She maybe gloomy and scary in first impression but she is cute and funny especially her chibi look. I really love it when she makes those cute actions and expressions when around Kazehaya and Kazehaya will blush because it looks like she has tamed him. *(^^)*
Although, she doesn't really understand much about what others (Kazehaya, especially) meant about what they say and gets the wrong idea. But I think that's her role in the story: to be able to reach Kazehaya and to have the ability to let her feelings reach Kazehaya.

Shouta Kazehaya (I am making this short since I have made a special individual post about him. :3) is the nice boy in the view of Sawako, although he claims he is a person who is short-tempered and has a jealous streak. Among the two and their problem, I felt sad for Kazehaya more than Sawako.

This is a scene in the near-end episode of season two that cracked me up real hard! I'm hoping to post some gif files. Do it next time. (^^)

Let's talk about the ending.

So even though, in the manga it still hasn't end, it has ended in the anime. A typical anime/manga thingy.
What I find that's lacking in the anime is these:
  • What happened to Kurumi? I really want to know that.
  • Also, I want to see what happens between the Kent/Ayane/Pin love triangle. I think it's a story worth telling.
  • Also, if there would ever be a further development between Chizu and Ryu.
Those aside, I think the anime has done the plot: to be able to reach each other. And that's that.

Lunes, Abril 16, 2012

Manga reading update: Kaichou wa Maid-sama!

Hey, there. It's Kate.

So, about weeks before summer had started, my dear friend has asked me a favor of downloading the Kaichou wa Maid-sama manga since she doesn't have any application on her computer for downloading it and has no knowledge in doing so.

Anyway, I decided to save it in my laptop instead of deleting the folder after transferring a copy to her USB because I felt like I've been a failure being an ANime/Manga blogger without even reading the manga. ANd, thus, started my three-day manga-reading marathon of the Kaichou wa Maid-sama! manga, reading from chapter one to chapter 68. And here's what I've found:

I think the anime ended at chapter 33 and the anime is almost exactly alike as the manga so for me it wasn't as much exciting since I know what's next.
The chapters 34 and beyond, however, is where all the excitement starts.

Of course, the Misaki-Usui moments has let out my Monster Fangirl Side out of its cages and there were those cute moments of the other characters such as Aoi-chan (whom I'm hoping to marry. Me mom's calling his father for the marriage, y'know.) Ahem. Anyway, this is a particular scene where Monster Fangirl escaped.

Love the Shojo Sparkles bit! Kyaa!!!

Stubborn Misaki: Gone?

Weeh. And so, duh, what kind of anime lover would not have their Monster Fangirl escape when that^^ happens. <uh, Kate there are some.> [stop it. don't ruin my moment!]
Anyhoo, here's one that made me LOL, and LMAO.
 Hahahaa. Even now, While posting this, I am laughing. No, really! \\(^v^)//

Sabado, Abril 14, 2012

Dramacon Series

Oh. Hi. Yo! Get that? Ohayou! Teehee. <okay. lame, right? i get it.>

Anyway, folks, today I want to share with you one of the most awesome mangas I have ever read!

DRAMACON!!! woot! woot! \\(>3<)//

And, without further ado, here is the first volume review. (curtain opens)

Dramacon is an three-volume original English-language (OEL) manga that was created by Svetlana Chmakova. When amateur writer Christie settles in the artist alley of her first ever anime convention, she sees it as an opportunity to promote the manga had started with her artist boyfriend. But when she unexpectedly falls for a mysterious cosplayer, things become complicated. What do you do when you love someone who is going to be miles away from you in just a couple of days?

I want to share a little experience that I have when I first had my hands on this OEL manga. When I made my regular visit in the Favourite Bookstore I Am Not Naming, my cover book impression of this is that this manga is somewhat like The Fairy Tale Police Department: two detectives (Christie and Matt) and three fairy tale characters (The Insane Roomies and Sandra) and that Lida is somewhat a fairy godmother or something but I was wrong. And when I opened it, I started reading it the right-to-left way which is wrong because it was left-to-right. However, when I did read the first few pages --like first five pages-- I ran to my mom, asked for my Christmas cash, and bought it. Then, I know, I will never regret buying it unlike those yummy foods in the mall that doesn't stuff me. m(_  _  )m

I have to say, among the three volumes, this volume was the one that made me laugh out loud. Especially Christie. From her Must-not-make-a-scene scene, her spontaneous human combustion to her fitting-in-right-now act, she is a thousand fun in one single character! Then there's Matt who has been dubbed by Christie as "Smartass". The beginning started quite well, the middle was a definite masterpiece, and the end needs a standing ovation. And when I finished the volume, my hands was in desperate need to have the second volume. Svetlana just made my last Christmas complete! (≧≦)

Sabado, Marso 17, 2012

New purpose!!

Okay, so now I just thought this a few minutes ago, but I'm gonna change the purpose of this blog. Instead of just anime guys, I'm planning on posting any mangas and animes and such since it will harder if I put them on separate blogs when I can just make one for the general. ^_~

That's all. Guess I should say bye-bye now.

Oyasumi Nasaiii~

(-_-)<zzzZZZ )

Kazehaya Shouta

Hello, everyone. It's been a long, long time since I posted something here. I have been so busy, in fact, I should be busy with something--the final examination to be exact. Oh well, I've been bored and lazy lately, thinking about the summer lurking nearby and the school pressure out-out-and-away for about two months and coming back to school, with a new haircut planned, to get ready for next year's and my first ever, Junior/Senior Prom. Well, I'm not planning on spoiling anything until next year so let's get on with my next anime guy to tell...

Actually, I have a lot of anime guys to be crazy about but recently I have fallen in love with the one and only Kazehaya Shouta of Kimi ni Todoke, which title me and a dear classmate of mine had argued on whether it's Kimi ni Todoke or Kimi no Todoke but because of the awesome power of the Internet invested in me and my great talent in researching on the Wikipedia, I won the argument. Success for now. Alright, now I'm off my real topic so before I lose it and plan to make this a diary, I shall start. Ahem...

風早 翔太, Kazehaya Shouta, born on the 15th of May is, in my opinion, an outstanding and handsome young seventeen-year-old character created by Shiina Karuho. He is an outgoing and cheerful person and tends to "help those lonely people suffering all alone", as what a few other characters in the movie, especially Kurumi to Sawako, would describe him.

When he smiled to Sawako at the episode of summer in their first year (sorry forgot what episode it was.), I have fallen in love with his character, and even more when I saw different sides of him that most anime male characters hides or does not totally possessed. He has showed off a character that is not typical or common to most anime male characters and that gave me a new view to anime male characters. Like most anime male characters, he is cool and nice, and blushes when girls do something beautiful unconsciously but what I find him different from the others is the way he acts when he's with Sawako. Whether it's being jealous or failing or feeling his heart-racing, he reacts so cool and at the same time, incredibly cute!!! :3 Oh, and before I forget, a voice actor with a sweet voice too. ^_~

Sabado, Enero 28, 2012

All about Usui Takumi

Okay, let's start with USUI TAKUMIIIIIIII!!! <obviously mimicking Misaki. lol.>

Takumi Usui (碓氷 拓海)
Kaichou wa Maid-sama!
Miyabigaoka High School, Class 2-2, 3-A
April 27th
Observing people, stalking Misaki (waah. I hope he'll stalk me <thick>. Lol.)

No one who watches Kaichou wa Maid-sama! could ignore this blonde, one-quarter Brit, mysterious man. If someone could, then you must be insane. A simple reason: he is one of the main characters and the love interest of the stubborn, hardworking president-slash-protagonist, Aizawa Misaki.

He is introduced at the beginning of the story as a silent, mysterious man who is popular with one, his looks and skills and two, turning down every girl that confesses him. True dat, I've only seen the anime and it's not yet done, I think and I haven't read the whole manga yet. But it's already seen that no matter how much Misaki calls him perverted outer-space alien, he can be passionately gentle and kind, especially to Misaki showing her that he'll do everything to protect her and help her. Add to that, he's patient to Misaki until at last in chapter 57 (one of the few I've read selectively. Lol.) becomes his girlfriend.

With the combination of his handsome attention-drawing looks, mischievous-wired brain, sense of humor, athletic build, skilled hands and gentle heart, he's the man of every girl's dreams. Well, mine and the other fans', I guess. So tell me when you find someone like him, okay? ^_^

Huwebes, Enero 26, 2012


Hey, guys. It's me again. <of course it will always be me. lol>

Anyway, before I go on and post, I want you all to know the purpose of this blog. Here in my house, I actually have a notebook with a list of those male characters that I seriously like in certain books. Eventually, I have male characters I also want in animes or mangas, movies, and even artists so I know too well enough my little notebook wouldn't fit it all. So that's how I come to an idea to make this blog.

I don't know about you but this guys I'll be posting will be a variety of coolness, charm, and that'll make your heart skip a beat and squeal and blush and all those.