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Miyerkules, Mayo 2, 2012

Manga Reading Update: Kaichou wa Maid-sama, Meet the infamous Papa-san!

Hey, everyone! Well, lookie here. When I visited my MangaHere Account, I got update on the Kaichou wa Maid-sama! and thus, started reading...

Well, let's start on the recent chapters 69 and 70!

In the 69th chapter, a new character has come; a weird cheerful man, who looks like Hinata, was hired by Manager-san. I noticed that whenever Misaki appears in the kitchen, the man hides he's face. (I guess I've given you enough clues to guess who the man is)
And thus, at the end of the chapter, due to Suzuna, who unexpectedly came to Maid Latte, the man revealed himself as Ayuzawa Sakuya, Misaki and Suzuna's father!!!

The first page of Chapter 70

The story continues on chapter 70 where the reason why Papa-san left was revealed (not telling! :P)
Manager-san held a competition on who was the best man in the kitchen, Sakkun vs Takkun (Papa-san's nickname for Usui.) where Takkun has win without any doubt. Misaki is still mad at him but something has stopped her (you know what. If you don't, look for the manga.) and stated that even if he can't be a full-timer, he can still be a part-timer.
At the end of the chapter, it was found that the Ayuzawa women still treated him the way they did at the first time he came home.

The last page of Chapter 70. The Ayuzawa women still leaving Papa-san outside.
Hinata-kun supporting Papa-san.

Martes, Mayo 1, 2012

Anime Series: Let's Talk about Kimi ni Todoke (anime)

Hey, everyone. It's me, obviously, Kate Ashley. σ(゚┰~ )アッカンベー

So after a battle between the cruel Internet connection, some nasty anime online streaming websites, and deceiving anime downloading websites. I have finally finished the anime series, Kimi ni Todoke, seasons one and two.

So, let's talk about the synopsis.
Kimi ni Todoke is about a high-school girl, Sawako Kuronuma, who has been nicknamed "Sadako", from movie The Ring, for her gloomy and scary appearance. Although, she is trying her best to fit in and to have friends. On the entrance ceremony, she helped a boy, Shouta Kazehaya, who thanked her instead of saying sorry like others do. This made her happy and has, since then, admired him. Then, Kazehaya starts to talk to her and her world changed. She made friends, like Chizu and Ayane, and learned to talk to different people. She can't seem to thank Kazehaya enough. Then slowly, she develops feelings and blossoms into a sweet love as the story goes...

Let's talk about the characters.
Sawako Kuronuma is the typical shy and honest girl. She maybe gloomy and scary in first impression but she is cute and funny especially her chibi look. I really love it when she makes those cute actions and expressions when around Kazehaya and Kazehaya will blush because it looks like she has tamed him. *(^^)*
Although, she doesn't really understand much about what others (Kazehaya, especially) meant about what they say and gets the wrong idea. But I think that's her role in the story: to be able to reach Kazehaya and to have the ability to let her feelings reach Kazehaya.

Shouta Kazehaya (I am making this short since I have made a special individual post about him. :3) is the nice boy in the view of Sawako, although he claims he is a person who is short-tempered and has a jealous streak. Among the two and their problem, I felt sad for Kazehaya more than Sawako.

This is a scene in the near-end episode of season two that cracked me up real hard! I'm hoping to post some gif files. Do it next time. (^^)

Let's talk about the ending.

So even though, in the manga it still hasn't end, it has ended in the anime. A typical anime/manga thingy.
What I find that's lacking in the anime is these:
  • What happened to Kurumi? I really want to know that.
  • Also, I want to see what happens between the Kent/Ayane/Pin love triangle. I think it's a story worth telling.
  • Also, if there would ever be a further development between Chizu and Ryu.
Those aside, I think the anime has done the plot: to be able to reach each other. And that's that.