
DISCLAIMER: All images used on this blog are strictly copyrights of their owners. I will never claim credit for any images used here in my blog unless stated otherwise. If I have offended anyone by posting any images on my blog, please contact me via email and I will remove them as soon as possible.

Lunes, Abril 13, 2015

New Announcement

Hey there.
It's been two years since I posted something in this blog.
For months after I posted the Sword Art Online anime review, I've been in a blogging hiatus. For one, I was so busy with high school that blogging have gone to the darkest corner in my brain. I thought for sure that my experimental experience of being a blogger is done.
Then November last year, it resurfaced in my mind. I have already graduated high school and was having my semestral break in college. I am an incoming second year Accounting student now. Somehow, in between being bored at looking at all the stupid nonsense that I see in Facebook, I remembered the glory days of my blog. This blog. My first blog.
I opened it up and looked at it.
I was so enthusiastic. Everything I wrote here were definitely for fun. However, I cringe at the grammatical mistakes I've made here and there. And, yes, the abundance of "What Am I Doing?" despite the fact that no one actually bothered to follow me here or care about what the heck I'm doing.
So I created another blog with my new email and the email address that I use all the time now. Why, you may ask? Let's just say that I "dumped" this account. And it's amazing how I can still remember the password for this account, actually.
But then, two posts published in the new blog and I thought, "Man, I'm outta here."
It's not so much that I hate Blogger, really. But it lacks the interaction between bloggers that attracted me to Wordpress.

If you would like to check out my new blog, it's called Plethoric Thoughts.

I talk about numerous stuff here. Basically, anything that I want to talk about. But, unfortunately, nothing manga or anime related.

It's not that I've stopped reading manga or watching anime. Heck, I'm still not over with Ao Haru Ride, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun, Kaichou wa Maid-sama, and Hirunaka no Ryuusei being complete and finished.
But I've decided on talking about the stuff that I like other than anime. Books, music, movies and random rants about social media and other things personal.

I want to improve my writing skill (even if it doesn't have anything to do with my degree program, really) and creating topics and writing stuff that would entertain people. And I want them to stay and follow me because they love the stuff I write about. But I don't want to have just one single niche all because a lot of the Blogging 101/ tips & tricks articles say it's the "key of a successful blog".
I tried single niche with this blog and the thing is, it made me feel like I was committing myself to a job and not a hobby.

I want to write something even with all the stress and torture thrown to me by college. I want to make the blogosphere, this spectacular community, as my refuge from all the stressful and torturous things created by being a college student. Just like how books, mangas, movies, and music were my refuge to reality.
And most of all, I want to create a place where I can vent my excitement, wonder, questions, rage, rants and other random emotional instability. A place where I can share something to people.

I've been maintaining Plethoric Thoughts and have posted about 50 posts as I write this and I'm there to stay.
I'm not sure if there would ever come the time when I will be creating anime or manga-related posts there.
But I'm not ditching the possibility. It may come to my mind.

But right now, I'm content with the contents there. Too much of everything is bad, as they say, right?

Huwebes, Mayo 16, 2013

Sword Art Online (Anime)

Hello everyone, again! So here is another anime to talk about!

(From KissAnime.com) In the near future, a Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (VRMMORPG) called Sword Art Online has been released where players control their avatars with their bodies using a piece of technology called Nerve Gear. One day, players discover they cannot log out, as the game creator is holding them captive unless they reach the 100th floor of the game's tower and defeat the final boss. However, if they die in the game, they die in real life. Their struggle for survival starts now...

To be honest, before deciding to watch this anime, I have encountered its name on various anime forums and facebook pages. When it had finally reached to the knowledge of my classmate who is a fellow anime lover, it hit me hard. I need to watch it already. Et viola! I fell in love of it the moment Kirito said "Link Start" in the first episode.
Other than Another, all the animes that I've watched are shoujo and fantasy and such like Kaichou wa Maid-sama and Ouran High School Host Club. Before Another, I've never even ventured into other genre other than glimpses of anime in TV here and there.
Sword Art Online is really a nice package of action, adventure, fantasy, and (of course) romance. Then there's being trapped in a game. I don't know other anime before SAO that has this kind of theme in the story but it's really good. I've also read the first volume of the light novel and Reki Kawahara made a great one. Though, I don't really want to talk about the manga because I stopped at the first few pages of the first chapter.
Then, of course, there's the art. I like the graphic effects of the anime especially when Kirito or Asuna start to fight. It makes me want to let them injure their enemies more and I always said, "Yeah, stab him! Stab that bastard!" during those fight scenes. My favorite fight scene is the one in ALO between Kirito and 
As for the characters, my favorite one would be Kirito. He kind of reminds me of Percy Jackson (if you know him) in a way because of his personality of not letting any companion die before him. I realized later that he was fourteen when he entered the game and thought that he seemed mature for someone at that age. Heck, I was not even that mature before...But we're not talking about me, right? ( --,)
Meanwhile, Kuradeel or Akihiko would probably be my first answer for least favorable character in the anime but thinking again, I thought that their roles are pretty cool and suited for them. So, my least favorable character is Suguha. Not that she didn't fulfill her role properly but more likely that I hate her role and her, period. I don't like how she felt for Kirito because it's pointless but she still do feel fr him in that way. I'm really sorry for her spite but that kind of girl just doesn't go well with me.
Overall, it's a great anime though it pains not to continue it to Gun Gale Online and beyond. I bet that would be so awesome. The only other thing that I didn't like is how at the very end of the anime, they let it mainly end with Kirito and Suguha.
So, here's my rating for this:
 ***credits to the artist of this picture. You rock, dude! ( b^^)b

Lunes, Mayo 6, 2013

Manga Review: Nosatsu Junkie (Charming Junkie)

Hello, everyone. I am going to give a manga review of the manga series that I’ve finished recently: Charming Junkie by Ryoko Fukuyama-sensei! \*(^u^)*/

[From KissManga] Naka Kaburagi has all the qualities a model can have, well, not really all. After being dumped by her senpai cause she can't smile like a flower and has a scary face, Naka is determined to get her revenge and to show her senpai that she can smile like a flower just like his female idol Umi Kajiwara. After failing her 19th audition, Naka accidentally bumps into this great Umi but wait..... What is this!? Umi is A MALE!!? To keep Naka's mouth shut, Umi gives her the job as his co-model. Always being together and sharing a dark secret, Naka's road to successful modeling has a lot of troubles to come... Especially when Naka and Umi started to feel funny whenever they are by each other's side.... 

From the moment I learned that this is gender bender(I like gender bender whether the guy is being a girl or vice versa as long as it’s not yaoi or yuri), I know I’m going to find this good. However, the moment I finished reading the first chapter of this manga, I didn’t just found it good—it captivated me. I admit that the art isn’t really that much but the effects are awesome that I don’t actually mind it anymore. I especially like the character depths the mangaka had created to each of the main characters. The entirety of it is just so great. I like it so much. The humor, drama, and especially the romance.
I like how all of the main characters were connected in some ways but different with each other. I especially love Naka and Yui’s romance that I actually cried the time Naka confessed to Yui. And that was the third time I read that chapter ‘cause I skipped when I got bored…twice. Hehe~  (- -,) Well, it had no sense at all since I skipped from chapter two to seventy-something. But when I saw how they both struggled their love for each other—in around seventy chapters!—and still doubting the other person’s feeling for them and then they knew, I cried. And that was the second time I cried because of a manga.
Naka is probably the main clown of the story especially because of how she is but there’s also Tsutsumi and Yui. I like her a lot since from being so bad at modelling, she became good and then better at it slowly. It really shows how much she tried hard to become a model and that goal started with that sempai of hers.
My favorite female character overall, though, is Ichigo because of how she sees more than the picture could tell most of the time which was what Chihiro fell for her. My favorite male character is Yui. I really like stubborn male characters more than female ones because I find them cute. Yui being a stubborn ore-sama most of the time and then becoming dead serious when it comes to Naka is really heart-throbbing. I like it most when he attacks Naka sneakily. (hee~) And he really is determined to make his dream come true which is really awesome and cool. \\(>u<)//
I love the Chihiro-Ichigo pairing a lot. It’s too bad they didn’t get to have the spotlight for too long. It will really be nice if it has a sequel or extra with them as the main character.

Overall, I really love this manga. So, my rate for this is:

I don't really wanna talk about what I'm doing today~~ so I'm not putting it here... :3

Any suggestions,clarifications,violent reactions and simple statements in relation to this post? COMMENT BELOW or Send me an E-Mail! b(^_^)d

Huwebes, Marso 21, 2013

Seiyuu Ka-! (Manga Series Review)

Hello, let’s have another manga review! This time it’s the recently completed manga series that has been very loved by lots of shoujo readers.

Jan ja ja jaaa~~~n!! The manga, Seiyuu ka-! by Minami Maki-sensei.

(From JShoujo) Kino Hime is a fifteen year old girl who had just started her first year in a high school for voice actors [seiyuu] called Hiiragi Academy. She dreams of becoming the voice of the main character in one of the most popular series in Japan, “Magic Fighter Lovely Blazers”. The academy is the number one school which allows students to make their voice acting debuts and also includes other departments such as general education, sports, music, acting and art.
Of course this academy is full of celebrities, too. Two of Hime’s upperclassmen are none other than the two rising idols of the group “Idol Unit AQUA”, as well as popular rising star in voice acting named Kudou Senri.
But Hime’s dream to be a successful voice actress is hard to fulfil. Her voice is not really suitable for a voice actress and her new classmate Kudou Senri doesn’t waste time in pointing that out. Will Hime prove everybody, especially Senri, what she is capable of despite the first appearance?

Well, to start…this is a really nice manga. I really like the energy that it had on the early volumes of the mangas, especially Hime’s energy. It was really too bad that the later volumes didn’t have that much energy as the earlier ones.
The art is okay and I really like the inking of the later volumes. My most favorite character in terms of art and personality is definitely Kino Hime. Being able to be a girl and a boy at the same time is really cool and her easy-going and cheerful attitude is almost contagious.
Although there were a lot of romantic moments between Hime and Mizuki, I was very disappointed to see that the story has finished without any kiss between Senri and Hime. But then again, it’s not really focusing on romance, right?

The ending is very unsatisfying and I didn’t get why the author had to end it that way. 

Overall, I am giving this manga this rating:

  • Downloading updated chapters of mangas (many to mention)
  • Playing Miami Nights on my aunt's phone (anyone knows that game? :D)
  • Searching new mangas
  • Downloading Uta no Prince-sama 8 to fin and Starry Sky
  • Reading eBooks
  • DRAWING!!!
Here's my latest one:
Kuroku no Basket FanArt 
i am so sorry for the low quality pic. m(_ _)m I'll try to update this post on later date.
You can see my other artworks on my deviantArt account (BlardyBlardy123)

Any suggestions,clarifications,violent reactions and simple statements in relation to this post? COMMENT BELOW or Send me an E-Mail! b(^_^)d

Linggo, Oktubre 21, 2012

Another (Anime Review)

Hey, hey!! So, here I am again to share to you my reactions on Another anime (pun intended) which I have finished watching two months ago and had just thought of posting a review now. hehe~. (--)
Let's start with the plot summary.
   When Koichi Sakakibara transfers to his new school, he can sense something frightening in the atmosphere of his new class, a secret none of them will talk about. At the center is the beautiful girl Mei Misaki. Koichi is immediately drawn to her mysterious aura, but then he begins to realize that no one else in the class is aware of her presence. (From Anime News Network)

Okay, my turn.

I think this anime is a breath of fresh air for me. I've been watching too many shoujo animes and reading too many shoujo mangas that most of it seemed really predictable already. I admit, this one was teeny bit predictable but it was only on guessing the extra person. Other than that, I didn't know it. The plot was laid out well and the story ended rather unsatisfying but the overall was great. I understood that the story was only about the mystery on their class so I can't really say it's a cliffhanger although I want to know what will happen between Mei and Sakakibara in the future. Well, you can't blame me!
But I think what really caught up on my attention in this anime was it's difference in graphics compared to that of a shoujo anime's. The colors were more darkened which give off this mysterious air around the art. I was specially amused at how their face changes expression to scared. There's all those eyebag-like things under their eyes. I also appreciate their graphic effects which are really nice. I think art-wise, I like their eyes most. (Not the ones with the bags though. :3)

Mei and Sakakibara tandem was really cool. Although, the feelings for each other was not confirmed, I can tell that Sakakibara is greatly concerned and protective to Mei. Hee~ <3

Well, anyway. For the characters, I like Mei most. To the point that I made her my profile pic on Facebook once. (^^)

So. Overall, I'll give this to Another:

  • Reading High School Debut 43
  • Watching Clannad 07
  • Waiting for other manga updates!!!
  • Mentally searching curses for Wattpad! (Y U no open?!)
  • Uploading anime images :)
  • searching for eBooks. (^^)
Here's my latest one!
Natsu Dragneel FanArt
You can see my other artworks on my deviantArt account (BlardyBlardy123)

Any suggestions,clarifications,violent reactions and simple statements in relation to this post? COMMENT BELOW or Send me an E-Mail! b(^_^)d

Biyernes, Setyembre 7, 2012

Let's talk about: MANGA UPDATE--Kaichou wa Maid-sama

During its latest updates, Kaichou wa Maid-sama! has took a turn for a new revelation--well, few revelations to be exact.
First, Usui has decided to go to Britain to face his own problem in his own. Hearing this, Misaki said that if he will ever return finishing his business there half-way, she will never forgive him. I get the feeling that Misaki might go restless and go to England, but I doubt a little--with Misaki's attitude, I don't really think that because she's missing him she will go there since she's not those typical overloving female characters and another thing, she's stubborn. What was on the next chapter, though, [Chapter 73] about how Usui's half-brother, Gerard, was preventing Usui to meet their grandfather was quite...questionable. Like, Gerard has some kind of reasons but it seems that I still can't quite put my finger as to what that reason would be.
However, I shall say that Chapter 27 would probably the most shocking among the three recent updated chapters. Why? Well, first off, my hunch about Misaki going to Britain was revealed to be true but because she was worried about Usui not contacting her for days. She seek help from President Igarashi saying that it would benefit the Igarashi family. Shockingly, he agreed to help. Another thing, Usui had finally had more knowledge about his father with the help of Ceddy the Butler's father. It was revealed that [OMG! Spoilers in three, two, one!] Usui's father and mother didn't meet in Japan like he was told to but in Britain. On top of that, [OMGG biggest spoiler in three, two, one...PFFFTT!!!] he was a butler.
Usui's father's identity: Revealed!

What was playing on my mind now was how Usui's parents' relationship was similar to Usui's and Misaki's. Like one of those what-happens-to-the-parents-might-happen-to-the-child kind of thing? 
I know! It was quite a shocking turn-out. And might I add, Hiro Fujiwara is a good author in making cliffhanger chapters. Seriously, I can't wait to read the next update!!

Any suggestions,clarifications,violent reactions and simple statements in relation to this post? COMMENT BELOW or Send me an E-Mail! b(^_^)d

Sabado, Setyembre 1, 2012

Let's Talk About: CATCHING UP!!! (>,<)

Hisashiburidesu, minna~!

Well, well. It's been a long time since I've updated my blog. And right now, I get the feeling that I need to catch up with what I've been doing which is a lot, and I mean A LOT! (^-^)

First off, I want you all to take out those glasses for special occassions, the champagne in the cellar, and the seki-han [anime lovers know this (^^)] 'cause I've finished the manga Ouran High School Host Club! Wooot!! Pop the champagne, man!! \m/(>3<)\m/
There were a lot of emotional scenes that mostly involves on Haruhi's feelings for Tamaki, Kaoru and Hikaru's romance [with Haruhi, of course, not with each other.], and of course, Tamaki's knowledge for his true feelings for Haruhi. The ending was really nice and the side stories were epic! I especially like the "Little Peek in the Future" were Haruhi and Tamaki was seen to be married and the Cuddle side story. \\(=> <=)//

I've bought this omnibus of the manga spin-off of Avalon: Web of Magic by Rachel Roberts in my favorite bookstore and was also devastated since volume one of the trilogy series was sold-out! I know, right. Book lovers can also relate to that since I am one, too, and I've experienced having my planned book-to-buy got sold-out. So, what I did was buy the manga spin-off instead. And in the hope that I could find the volume one online, I looked through the Net and found the series's official page, http://www.avalonmagic.com where I've seen the series's audio book. I've downloaded that one, too. It's voiced by Mandy Moore and it's so awesome! I'm still downloading the other chapters. (^^)

I've also downloaded the light novel of Sword Art Online and the manga adaptation of the series. I've been so jealous of those people in a page in Facebook I'm in 'cause they've got a new anime series to watch and I haven't finished watching the Fairy Tail yet (still in episode 75, sadly.) so I've looked it up on Google and found out that I could still catch up to the series since there are still seven episodes. (//^0^//)

I'm also waiting for the update of the manga Watashi ni XX Shinasai! which has been two months since its recent update (update please!!). and I'm gonna make a manga-reading update post on that later..

I'm also watching this anime based from an otome game, Starry Sky, and I've been curious on what otome game was. So, I've, again, looked it up on Google and downloaded few demos and free full versions, which were all so short and unsatisfying. 

So, I guess that's all the summary of what has been happening to me and I've realized how much my love for anime and manga has expanded me and made me see, learn and experience a lot of things. I've drawn this one I have and colored it using Paint Sai...

So, I'll see you all later on my next post. Jaa nee~~! (^3^)/~~~